Liquid markets for bio IP

07 Jul 2023

Last week Vita Dao fractionalized one of the IP assets in its portfolio and put up 10% for sale to investors. For those that don’t know, Vita DAO is a DAO focused on furthering R&D in the field of longevity. It is part of a growing ecosystem...

Are you a lucky person?

23 Jun 2023

When Jeff Bezos used to interview candidates for a job at Amazon, he would ask them “Do you consider yourself a lucky person?” I think that’s such a great question because it elicits answers that reveal a lot about person. Someone that considers themselves lucky is likely a more...

Taking control

15 Jun 2023

A trend among companies building products with NFTs is that they start off by taking custody of the NFTs for users. When NFTs are in the custody of users themselves, they truly own the asset, which means they can do with it whatever they want such as placing it for...

Strong opinions

18 May 2023

Akio Morita, the founder of Sony, once said: “Our [Sony] plan is to lead the public with new products rather than ask them what kind of products they want. The public does not know what is possible but we do.” Sony established its position as one of the world’s...

Crypto needs more people digging for gold instead of building shovels

04 May 2023

A lot of the activity in crypto at the moment is centred around building and investing in infrastructure. On the one hand, building infrastructure for a new technology stack like crypto is needed for applications to emerge. A lot of important infrastructure has been built over the past few years...