Moderation and open social

20 Jun 2024

Content moderation remains one of the biggest challenges facing social media platforms today. Currently, decisions about what content is permitted and shown to individual users are made by the platforms themselves. These decisions are then enforced by closed source algorithms that shape the user experience on platforms like Twitter, Facebook,...

Ancelotti, Jackson and startup investing

07 Jun 2024

Carlo Ancelotti led Real Madrid to their latest Champions League victory this past weekend. It's his fifth title in the competition, the highest tally for any coach. What's striking about Ancelotti is the calm and collected figure he cuts on the touchline. He rarely gets involved...

Commerce everywhere

08 May 2024

Over the past weeks I’ve been spending more time on Farcaster, the web3 social network. One of the unique features of Farcaster as opposed to incumbent social networks like Twitter is its composability. Web3 platforms like Farcaster are composable, which means that anyone can build applications and experiences on...


23 Apr 2024

Arsenal lost to Bayern Munich in the quarter finals of Champions League the other night. Immediately after the loss, some were quick to label Arsenal’s season a failure and question whether Mikel Arteta, the manager, was making enough progress with the club. Since Arteta took over in late 2019,...

Unlocking Bitcoin

04 Apr 2024

Bitcoin, the oldest and most valuable crypto network, is experiencing a renaissance. Over the past few months there’s been a public market rally of the Bitcoin network’s native token, BTC, and the release of the first BTC spot ETF, which has been the fastest growing ETF in history....